About NSCS

The National Safety Council of Singapore (NSCS) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with the objective of promoting safety in all areas of life in Singapore including safety at work, safety on the roads, safety in the home and safety in recreational activities and sports and the community in general.

NSCS Pledge

As a citizen of the Republic of Singapore, and fully realising not only my rights, but also my duties as a citizen, and deeply conscious of the heavy toll of life and limb, and the resulting suffering, together with the serious burden on the daily life and economy of the Republic:-


to do everything within my power

to help reduce the death and injury

taking place on our public highways,

in and around our homes, schools, factories,

offices, playgrounds and all other

fields of human activity.


to do my best to help others understand

and avoid the dangers surrounding them.

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